Due to the unique dialogue that you can get from Packie, he is a viable choice as well. Get close enough and the game will tell you when to hit the magnet. They'll use other vehicles to transport the gold away. Start clearing the area of cops while making your way to the footbridge ahead. I have two points of general advice, though. Exit the truck to complete this mission.
I'll add another edit as soon as I know what exactly unlocks Daryl. I tried out like 5, and ultimately I'm unsatisfied with playing an account with so many unfinished side missions. Let the other chopper drop their gold first and then move in. If you have access to Daryl Johns use him. Casey quickly leaves claiming not to have seen anything. All you need to do is divert a train at Davis Quartz and call another person to fly in with the helicopter. Try to take them all out with stealth or silenced weapons.
Lester calms the two down and shows them the planning board. Go to the parking lot and park in the marker next to the barriers. Get in the yard and steal the truck carrying the driller. Bureau Raid - Rooftop enterance Paige Hacker Daryl Guns Taliana Driver 5. Kill them and get into the parking garage. Follow them back through the building to the loading dock.
Snipe him and then try to find the worker under the roof structure he may be hidden by the dirt pile. You should be able to deliver the van within 45 seconds. All things considered, the benefits in leveling up the crew far outweigh the monetary gain from this heist. Trevor rants about Michael being soft but Franklin breaks them up. This triggers a cutscene: the drill tears through the wall into the bank vault.
Controls for the machine are displayed. When they are dead Trevor says he'll bring the chopper back around but Franklin and Lester tell him to just go. Taliana will be waiting outside in an ambulance, allowing you to drive past the cops without attracting their attention. Casey is quite fearful but Michael tries to calm him down saying they are about to rob the biggest bank on the planet. Move the yellow selector box over the intersection where Trevor and Michael sit, then switch the signals so they can proceed south. Different events only work with different characters. Bringing a better hacker than Rickie will help you navigate the hacking minigame faster, but it's not necessary.
Then turn left and run down the ramp into the parking garage where you stashed your getaway car earlier. Turn to face this new threat as gunmen drop down and deploy near the drill. Lower down over the train and drop the cargo when told to. Simply get into the helicopter, hook up to the Submersible, and then fly it to any body of water that you'd like to explore such as the Alamo Sea, where a certain plane crashes. Trevor says the show is for paying customers only.
If Rickie was used for both the robbery and the raid, then light changes are instant. They'll stop at red lights so try to change ones in their path to red. Keep the roads clear for the vans. First of all, as soon as someone started drilling a hole into the bank, it would go on high alert and police would be scrambled to the scene and corner the one manning the drill. This mission is excellent for leveling up all your different crew members.
Follow them into the back where the gold bars are being kept. There are two options: Subtle and Obvious. Also look for gas cans to target. By following this guide so far, if you decide to go the subtle route your hacker will have been trained up well while only taking a 4% cut. Pull into the marker and meet up with one of the hired gunmen who is the other half of the distraction team. Michael and then Franklin enter and are handed boxes too.
You don't need to be close to the enemy choppers but keep them off to the right as much as possible. After successfully dropping the flatbed the mission is complete. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. As for the driver, Taliana Martinez is your best bet. More vehicles continue to pull up from the south and then the east.