26 Nov

Should I Buy Grand Theft Auto V for my Kid?

※ Download: Is gta 5 good for 12 year olds

Can 12

is gta 5 good for 12 year olds

It might not have the bells and whistles of a Dragon's Den pitch, but this teen's spirit is impressive nonetheless. So I hope my input about the game helps. To wrap things up, I believe that if your kid honestly knows the true difference between right and wrong and the loyalty of their parents, this game should not be that big of a problem I think this is a violent and language-filled that is too violent for young kids. If you want to level it faster, play Races. Just think about the most graphic dialogue you can, and know that it's in this game! Some reviewers before me say that Common Sense is only telling half truths and that they are overreacting.

Is there a game similar to GTA but without all the violence?

is gta 5 good for 12 year olds

Firstly the mini game in the strip club isn't always on, and there's no mission which makes them go there, so you should be able to trust them enough not to go there. The city you can explore is really big. I currently am not a parent of a thirteen year old boy, so I am sure there are complications with telling him 'no' that I have yet to face in my parenting journey. For example, you can yank his teeth out while he cries. However, the story does have sex scenes that bare all. Now I've only grazed the surface here and take the time to read some of the kids reviews; they did give a higher age rating than the parents on here after all.

As a 13 year old, would it be ok to play GTA 5?

is gta 5 good for 12 year olds

Most of you reading this are here to see if this is ok for your child. I have played the game in full and have experienced all of its content. Is meh, you don't need to max it, but it's nice. The second example is a sort of mini-game in which you torture an innocent person in many brutal ways. If I might add one, humble suggestion, not from my experience as a father, but from my experience as a son: play video games with your boy.

Should I Buy Grand Theft Auto V for my Kid?

is gta 5 good for 12 year olds

This is where my direct expertise leaves off. I think it's a great game, but nevertheless very violent. Your child might be a young adult. And full topless nudity, nipples and everything. Some scenes make a character get in a major hallucination high state where they can't perceive reality and kill fictitious creatures like aliens and monsters.

age appropriate

is gta 5 good for 12 year olds

My 13 yr old son came to me and asked if he could get the new grand theft auto V game. His game time is monitored and he is not allowed to play during the school week and he is a mature kid who understands why I have concerns. It depends on your child, everyone is different. I may not be that old, but I sympathize with parents that want to share gaming with children, but are afraid of the consequences. That means even if you don't buy the game for your kid, one of his friends probably already has it. Playing non-violent games won't reverse the damage done.

Is Gta 5 ONLINE any good? :: Grand Theft Auto V General Discussions

is gta 5 good for 12 year olds

That's like saying you kid can only where khaki slacks at a school where jeans are allowed. You can also make crews and add friends, so you can play and gain experience with people that you want to. Big difference, It seems you are the retard. I have played all the Grand Theft Auto games, and I was also once a 13 year old boy. A couple days later my son and I were playing it and really bonding. You sound like you know much more about dealing with a 13 year old boy than I do.

GTA: 13

is gta 5 good for 12 year olds

Not only would I not let my kid play or see this, I wouldn't want any adult that I love seeing or playing it either. Let's assume they are three years old. Maybe sit him down and have a talk about what is right and what is wrong. Some time into the story, you play as Trevor and to continue on you have to actively take part in torture. I believe the appreciation of art to be ageless.

Is Gta 5 ONLINE any good? :: Grand Theft Auto V General Discussions

is gta 5 good for 12 year olds

If he already shows violent tendencies. My child is 12 and has been wanting this game for quite a while now. Ever since the trailer came out in fact. You don't have to be a parent to have some common sense. . Knowing he was involved also gave him input on what games we bought, not because he was trying to control me, but because he wanted to enjoy the game too.

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